- Main
: Pause or playTab
: Toggle selection modeW
or arrows: Pan viewF10
: Full screenEscape
: Show/hide menu
- Tools
Left mouse
: Select or buildRight mouse
: Extract, erase, or issue ordersMiddle mouse
: Pick part or pan viewMouse wheel
: Rotate blueprintMouse wheel
(over toolbar): Scroll tool
- Orders
: CancelR
: RepairH
: Halt
- Playback
: Step once;
: Decrease speed'
: Increase speed
- Building
: Delete selectionCtrl+C
: CopyCtrl+V
: PasteF
: Switch faction (sandbox only)
- Cannons inflict immediate ranged damage but are mitigated by shields
- Claws ignore shields but have only a short melee range
- Pulses lower shields and unpower parts, but hulls block them
- Launchers fire devastating torpedoes, but agile units can dodge them
- Thrusters increase mobility but are easily damaged
- Hulls increase armor of adjacent parts but reduce mobility
- Cores increase power but are easily damaged and costly
- Storage increases support points and supports surrounding parts
- Shields mitigate damage inflicted on surrounding parts
Use your inventory of parts to build within territory while paused. After placing parts and unpausing, nearby worker units will begin construction. You can also use predefined blueprints from the toolbar (scroll right or use full screen).
Use sandbox mode to try different builds. Press ‘F’ to switch factions to place opposing units. To save a build, select and copy it to the clipboard as text, then paste it back later:
/h\c/h\ /h\c/o\c/h\
/t\s/o\s/t\ \t/s\g/s\t/ /h\c/g\c/h\
\t/ /c\h/g\h/c\ \t/o\s/o\t/
\h/t\o/t\h/ \t/h\t/
Select units and right-click a point or other unit to order those units to move, attack, harvest, or salvage depending on the context. Without orders, your units will look for something nearby to harvest or attack. Press ‘H’ to halt units so they don’t wander.
Each placed part has a power level based on its proximity to cores (L1 within four connected cells, L2 if adjacent, L3 if two cores adjacent). A higher level means more damage, shield strength, or thrust. Parts glow with the faction color of the core that claims them. Parts unpower when no core is within range.

Each part is either neutral or claimed by a single faction. Claimed cores will claim one nearby connected part per turn. Parts outside the range of a core will unpower and become neutral.
While most turrets inflict damage, pulses unpower parts via EMP, preventing them from functioning and allowing cores to claim them. You can even take over entire units if their cores are unpowered.
Parts also need support. You start with 10 support points and can place storage parts to increase support further. If support drops below zero, parts will begin to unpower. It’s your choice to build self-sufficient units with storage included, separate dedicated storage units, or a mix.
To get more parts, either salvage them from wreckage or harvest crystal. To harvest crystal, build worker units with at least one external core.

Building units takes parts from your inventory, or crystal if parts are insufficient, The toolbar shows whether you have enough parts and crystal to proceed with building. In the example below, we tried to build more than our inventory allowed, with a deficit of 85 crystal. The crystal quantity within each part indicates the conversion cost.

Add thrusters for mobility. When selecting a unit, the gray footprint shows its movement range within one turn, including rotation. External thrusters add linear and angular thrust while internal thrusters reduce mass.

Turrets and thrusters require exterior placement, meaning they must only have one or two adjacent parts. Those with only one adjacent part have a wider angular firing range, but they are more exposed to attacks and are limited to power level L2.